Jumat, 26 April 2013


Hypertext Markup Language merupakan standard bahasa yang digunakan untuk menampilkan document web. Yang bisa anda lakukan dengan HTML yaitu:
  • Mengontrol tampilan dari web page dan contentnya.
  • Mempublikasikan document secara online sehingga bisa di akses dari seluruh dunia.
  • Membuat online form yang bisa di gunakan untuk menangani pendaftaran, transaksi secara online.
  • Menambahkan object-object seperti image, audi, video dan juga java applet dalam document HTML.
Browser dan Editor
Browser merupakan software yang di install di mesin client yang berfungsi untuk menterjemahkan tag-tag HTML menjadi halaman web. Browser yang sering di gunakan biasanya Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator dan masih banyak yang lainya.
Program yang di gunakan untuk membuat document HTML, ada banyak HTML editor yang bisa anda gunakan diantaranya: Ms FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Notepad.
Di bawah ini merupakan tag-tag yang ada pada HTML.
  • NN: indicates the earliest version of Netscape that supports the tag
  • IE: indicates the earliest version of Internet Explorer that supports the tag
  • DTD: indicates in which XHTML 1.0 DTD the tag is allowed. S=Strict, T=Transitional, and F=Frameset 
Start tagPurposeNNIEDTD
Basic Tags    
<!DOCTYPE> Defines the document type  STF
<html>Defines an html document3.03.0STF
<body>Defines the body element3.03.0STF
<h1> to <h6>Defines header 1 to header 63.03.0STF
<p>Defines a paragraph3.03.0STF
<br>Inserts a single line break3.03.0STF
<hr>Defines a horizontal rule3.03.0STF
<!--...-->Defines a comment3.03.0STF
Char Format    
<b>Defines bold text3.03.0STF
<font>Deprecated. Defines text font, size, and color3.03.0TF
<i>Defines italic text3.03.0STF
<em>Defines emphasized text 3.03.0STF
<big>Defines big text3.03.0STF
<strong>Defines strong text3.03.0STF
<small>Defines small text3.03.0STF
<sup>Defines superscripted text3.03.0STF
<sub>Defines subscripted text3.03.0STF
<bdo>Defines the direction of text display6.25.0STF
<u>Deprecated. Defines underlined text3.03.0TF
<pre>Defines preformatted text3.03.0STF
<code>Defines computer code text3.03.0STF
<tt>Defines teletype text3.03.0STF
<kbd>Defines keyboard text3.03.0STF
<var>Defines a variable3.03.0STF
<dfn>Defines a definition term 3.0STF
<samp>Defines sample computer code3.03.0STF
<xmp>Deprecated. Defines preformatted text3.03.0 
<acronym>Defines an acronym6.24.0STF
<abbr>Defines an abbreviation6.2 STF
<address>Defines an address element4.04.0STF
<blockquote>Defines a long quotation3.03.0STF
<center>Deprecated. Defines centered text3.03.0TF
<q>Defines a short quotation6.24.0STF
<cite>Defines a citation3.03.0STF
<ins>Defines inserted text6.24.0STF
<del>Defines deleted text6.24.0STF
<s>Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text3.03.0TF
<strike>Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text3.03.0TF
<a>Defines an anchor3.03.0STF
<link>Defines a resource reference4.03.0STF
<frame>Defines a sub window (a frame)3.03.0F
<frameset>Defines a set of frames3.03.0F
<noframes>Defines a noframe section3.03.0TF
<iframe>Defines an inline sub window (frame)6.04.0TF
<form>Defines a form 3.03.0STF
<input>Defines an input field3.03.0STF
<textarea>Defines a text area3.03.0STF
<button>Defines a push button6.24.0STF
<select>Defines a selectable list3.03.0STF
<optgroup>Defines an option group6.06.0STF
<option>Defines an item in a list box3.03.0STF
<label>Defines a label for a form control6.24.0STF
<fieldset>Defines a fieldset6.24.0STF
<legend>Defines a title in a fieldset6.24.0STF
<isindex>Deprecated. Defines a single-line input field3.03.0TF
<ul>Defines an unordered list3.03.0STF
<ol>Defines an ordered list3.03.0STF
<li>Defines a list item3.03.0STF
<dir>Deprecated. Defines a directory list3.03.0TF
<dl>Defines a definition list3.03.0STF
<dt>Defines a definition term3.03.0STF
<dd>Defines a definition description3.03.0STF
<menu>Deprecated. Defines a menu list3.03.0TF
<img>Defines an image3.03.0STF
<map>Defines an image map 3.03.0STF
<area>Defines an area inside an image map3.03.0STF
<table>Defines a table3.03.0STF
<caption>Defines a table caption3.03.0STF
<th>Defines a table header3.03.0STF
<tr>Defines a table row3.03.0STF
<td>Defines a table cell3.03.0STF
<thead>Defines a table header 4.0STF
<tbody>Defines a table body 4.0STF
<tfoot>Defines a table footer 4.0STF
<col>Defines attributes for table columns  3.0STF
<colgroup>Defines groups of table columns 3.0STF
<style>Defines a style definition4.03.0STF
<div>Defines a section in a document3.03.0STF
<span>Defines a section in a document4.03.0STF
Meta Info    
<head>Defines information about the document3.03.0STF
<title>Defines the document title3.03.0STF
<meta>Defines meta information3.03.0STF
<base>Defines a base URL for all the links in a page3.03.0STF
<basefont>Deprecated. Defines a base font3.03.0TF
<script>Defines a script3.03.0STF
<noscript>Defines a noscript section3.03.0STF
<applet>Deprecated. Defines an applet2.03.0TF
<object>Defines an embedded object 3.0STF
<param>Defines a parameter for an object3.03.0STF
Pada web ini, tidak membahas seluruhnya tetapi hanya sebatas Link, Tabel, dan Form.

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